Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You're Being Tracked


Imagine what it would be like if 'Big Brother' was watching everything you did when you market your business... Watching where you go, what you do, and reported the actions that were effective and those that weren't.

Do you think it would be helpful to your business?

You can bet your bottom dollar it would be helpful! And infact, this technology is already available to internet marketers.

It's called ad tracking.

Most people understand the importance of tracking links, but to actually implement these marketing strategies in yourevery day business is another story...

It can be a timely undertaking that requires forethought and a well organised approach. So, it's probably a correct assumption to expect that a large percentage of online marketers DON'T track their adcampaign.

All that's about to change...

Take a look here:

We understand how much time and effort can go into tracking each and every ad campaign that you run... That's why we've developed a simple, easy-to-implement ad tracking application that will assist you enormously in your business analysis. It does most of the work for you, like a stealth tracker following every link and reporting back the relevant detailsfor you to analyse afterwards.

This script sits on your web server and is very easy toinstall in just a few minutes. It creates attractive links that don't even look like tracked links. There's no system-generated code in the link that identifies it as a tracking link either... Here's how your link will look using our tracking system:

Now you would have seen links like these before, but it'smore than likely that they weren't tracked links.

The beauty of using this style of tracking links is that you can instantly identify which ad campaign the link is for. Nomore codes to decipher and try to remember, or waste time searching for the initial link...

Come and see how quick and easy it is to setup a new adcampaign.
Here's the link:

By using our tracking solution, you can see the following statistics at the glance of an eye:

-> Total clicks on your link per day of each month.
-> Total unique clicks to your link.
-> Sub-campaign statistics.-> Sales statistics.
-> Pay per click keyword statistics and resulting sales.

Our system is so flexible, it also allows you to setup andview advanced details to help you in your analyses.

-> Track which advertising vehicle is more reponsive.
-> Track exactly which specific keywords are being used to find your site.
-> Track each sale that you make and view the complete statistical information.
-> Choose to be automatically notified when you make a sale.

We've also included an advanced keyword sales tracking feature in our software that you're going to love. Click through to our site to read more about this feature.

With this valuable information at your fingertips, it's likehaving a virtual assistant that you don't have to pay eachweek to do all this work for you!

All you pay is an affordable one-time fee of $37 to purchase the software...
Take the time out now to secure your copy of our advanced tracking solution, and put yourself back in control of your marketing once and for all. Here's the link again:

Wishing you success,

Vicente M. Tapungot, Jr.

PS: With a 30 day, 100% cast iron, no questions asked, norisk guarantee, you can know in advance that there'sabsolutely no risk involved... In fact, it's more risky notto have a tracking solution in place for your business.You'd be throwing well-earned money down the drain.

Here's the link again:


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